Wing Foiling in New Jersey

Wing foiling is a relatively new water sport that combines elements of windsurfing, kitesurfing, and kite foiling.  Here are some basic principles of wing foiling:

  1. Equipment: To wing foil, you’ll need a few pieces of equipment, including a wing, a board, and a foil. The wing is a handheld inflatable sail that you use to catch the wind and propel yourself across the water. The board is typically shorter and wider than a traditional surfboard, and has a foil attached to the bottom that provides lift and helps you glide across the water.
  2. Wind conditions: Wing foiling can be done in a wide range of wind conditions, but it’s typically best to start in light to moderate winds (around 10-20 knots). You’ll want to avoid strong winds until you become more experienced, as they can make the sport more challenging and potentially dangerous.
  3. Getting started: To start wing foiling, you’ll need to position yourself on the board with the foil in the water, and hold the wing in front of you. As the wind catches the wing, you’ll need to lean back slightly and start to pump the wing up and down to gain speed and lift. Once you’re moving fast enough, you can lift the foil out of the water and start gliding.
  4. Maneuvering: Once you’re comfortable gliding, you can start to experiment with different maneuvers. You can turn by shifting your weight and tilting the wing, or by using the foil to carve a turn. You can also jump by using the wind and the foil to launch yourself into the air.
  5. Safety: As with any water sport, safety is important in wing foiling. Make sure you wear a life jacket or personal flotation device, and consider wearing a helmet and impact vest. It’s also a good idea to practice in a relatively flat, open area with few obstacles or other water users until you become more experienced.

Wing foiling is a fun and challenging sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. With practice and patience, you can learn to glide across the water and perform a variety of exciting maneuvers.

Book a Wing Sup  lesson (Intro to wing foiling) with  Kainetic Adventures to get started.


Owner of Kainetic Adventures. We are outdoor adventure company specializing in Kiteboarding , Wing Foiling and other outdoor adventure sports.